Rush Limbaugh has his . . . well, here is mine. This is my record of news stories and issues that interest me. You can also find more headlines at the site where I serve as editor: The Common Voice.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Check out Cody

Let me introduce you to Cody Webster. He is a man of mystery - a hero of damsels in distress. Actually, he is the hard working people who go to work everyday and make things happen. They are the everyday heros.

Even heros need a little help. So, The Worthwhile Company steps in with Hero Support. No need for the hero to be sweating about those things that should be obvious. He needs to be focusing on saving the girl!

The goal is to move this series of videos into a viral situation. If you live in Greenville, you will find "movie posters" around in various places. Cody even has his own MySpace and Facebook accounts.

We'll see how it works out. For now, say hello to Cody!
